Platinum Corporate Sponsorship ($3000)
Platinum Corporate Sponsorship ($3000)
Four available. Please select your payment option on the form below. If paying by Credit Card, a fee will be added to your order to cover the fee that Paypal charges TNASLA to process the payment.
If paying by check, please include the total amount due ($3000) payable to Tennessee Chapter ASLA and mail to:
Michelle Ye
DT design studio
6465 North Quail Hollow Road - Suite 401
Memphis, Tennessee 38120
Benefits include:
Company Logo - Company Logo on Website & Monthly Newsletter
Newsletter - Opportunity to Showcase Products/Projects in Monthly Newsletter
Conference - Lunch Sponsor
Exhibitor Skirted Table (Thursday Night & Friday)
Logo on Conference Materials as TitleEvent Sponsor
3 attendees
Event Sponsor (One available for each - select preferred option)
Breakfast: 5-Minute Company Introduction - Breakfast
Awards Banquet: 5-Minute Company Introduction at Awards Banquet
After-Party: 5-Minute Company Introduction at After Party
Lanyards: Company Name on Name tag Lanyard